The SADP fundraising strategy aims to diversify its donor base by developing relationships with new donors and pursuing additional funding sources in order to support and advance our mission-related work and that of our partners. As a sustainable and well-resourced grant maker, SADP strives to be resilient and independent.
SADP provides funds to groups and organizations that support inclusive socioeconomic development and environmental health in Cambodia. We recognize that grant makers cannot fully understand the complex social, economic and natural environments in which their partners foster sustainable equitable community development. Consequently, SADP is compelled to assess the potential impact of our funding activities and to take a “do no harm” approach. SADP has developed a Fund Acceptance Policy to provide guidance to the SADP Board and Management Team and to enable them to make well-informed decisions about prospective donors that are in the best interests of our partners, their constituent communities and SADP. Our Mission is to be a responsible grant maker.
SADP receives funds from the German NGO, Misereor. These donations are allocated to promote the “People Participation” PPproject and are used to support partners promoting genuine community development and to promote learning about new ways of non-NGO led development. The PP project also conducts research into the impact of NGO and funder activities on local community solidarity and empowerment.
Another of our donors is Friendship with Cambodia, a non-government organization that promotes cultural understanding, appreciation and cooperation through educational programs about Cambodia, raises funds for humanitarian projects in Cambodia and teaches kindness, peace and compassion. Donations from FWC are used specifically to support SADP gender equality programs.
SADP continues to accept donations from donors in support of the SADP Program and continues to utilize experienced consultants, under service contract agreements, to collaborate with partners and to provide services to others.
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